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Vad gör du just nu?(Förutom att va inne på fuska.nu)

04/01 -11 17:21 ReservoirDog

ReservoirDog Spelmoderator

15425 XP 4987 inlägg

Börja med bokprojektet.

Tillfällig moderator på sidan. Fråga mig om ni undrar över något.

I refuse. - Rohan Kishibe

04/01 -11 19:27 AoC


12851 XP 1566 inlägg

Jag ligger och väntar på att The Mentalist ska börja.

Joina Games Har 1080 medlemmar. AKTIV KLUBB!!!!!!
Bli medlem!!!!Bli gärna medlem i Spel_Fan_Klubben!!! Det är helt gratis!!!

04/01 -11 19:35 emma_dockan


3585 XP 1370 inlägg

Chattar med min kompis.

~ Aye!

04/01 -11 21:53 emma_dockan


3585 XP 1370 inlägg

Spelar Pokémon Platinum.

~ Aye!

04/01 -11 22:09 daniel100


3055 XP 288 inlägg


Jag har huvudet i molnen alltför ofta...........
If you wonder who i am, keep wondering............
I am the one and only, Hahahahahaha............

04/01 -11 23:10 AoC


12851 XP 1566 inlägg

Jag ska gå och sova.

Joina Games Har 1080 medlemmar. AKTIV KLUBB!!!!!!
Bli medlem!!!!Bli gärna medlem i Spel_Fan_Klubben!!! Det är helt gratis!!!

05/01 -11 09:51 emma_dockan


3585 XP 1370 inlägg

Kollar på klockan.

~ Aye!

05/01 -11 10:28 AoC


12851 XP 1566 inlägg

Jag kom nyss hem har varit ute med tidningarna.

Joina Games Har 1080 medlemmar. AKTIV KLUBB!!!!!!
Bli medlem!!!!Bli gärna medlem i Spel_Fan_Klubben!!! Det är helt gratis!!!

05/01 -11 13:19 wtfwjd


4268 XP 1100 inlägg

HJÄLP! Vad är detta? D:

From Miss Monic Dano
Skickat av sandrco | 2011-01-05 13:18

From Miss Monic Dano
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
West Africa.
My Dear One,
Greetings !
Kindly accept my apology for sending unsolicited mail to you.I believe you are a respected personality, I got your contact from this site, (www.fuska.nu)

I am Miss Monic Dano , I inherritated an important sum of money from my late father who was a prominent Gold and Cocoa marchant who died in recent here in Cote d'Ivoire. My mother died when I was a little child . I wish to request for your assistance in investing this money in lucrative venture under your directives and guidiance in your country as my father suggested investment on real estate before his untimely death.
I want you to assist me for the transfer of this sum of Four million, Eight hundred thousand United State Dollars. (USD4.800,000)to your account in your country hence I will give you the contact of the bank where the money is so that you can contact them immediately and discuss with them since I do not know much about financial issues.
I will gladly give you some resonable percentage from the total sum for your assistance while I pray that you do not betray me at last.
Please it is important you contact me immediately for more clearification on the next step for smooth conclusion .(m_dano1(at)yahoo(dot)com)
Awaiting your immediate response and God bless you.
Yours Sincerely,
Monic Dano [b]

05/01 -11 13:21 Dexter


12703 XP 1058 inlägg

wtfwjd skrev:
HJÄLP! Vad är detta? D:

From Miss Monic Dano
Skickat av sandrco | 2011-01-05 13:18

From Miss Monic Dano
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
West Africa.
My Dear One,
Greetings !
Kindly accept my apology for sending unsolicited mail to you.I believe you are a respected personality, I got your contact from this site, (www.fuska.nu)

I am Miss Monic Dano , I inherritated an important sum of money from my late father who was a prominent Gold and Cocoa marchant who died in recent here in Cote d'Ivoire. My mother died when I was a little child . I wish to request for your assistance in investing this money in lucrative venture under your directives and guidiance in your country as my father suggested investment on real estate before his untimely death.
I want you to assist me for the transfer of this sum of Four million, Eight hundred thousand United State Dollars. (USD4.800,000)to your account in your country hence I will give you the contact of the bank where the money is so that you can contact them immediately and discuss with them since I do not know much about financial issues.
I will gladly give you some resonable percentage from the total sum for your assistance while I pray that you do not betray me at last.
Please it is important you contact me immediately for more clearification on the next step for smooth conclusion .(m_dano1(at)yahoo(dot)com)
Awaiting your immediate response and God bless you.
Yours Sincerely,
Monic Dano

Fick ett likadant =P

Det är en scam...

Tonight's the night.

05/01 -11 13:22 Kevinek


1584 XP 980 inlägg

JoY_BoY_94 skrev:
wtfwjd skrev:
HJÄLP! Vad är detta? D:

From Miss Monic Dano
Skickat av sandrco | 2011-01-05 13:18

From Miss Monic Dano
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
West Africa.
My Dear One,
Greetings !
Kindly accept my apology for sending unsolicited mail to you.I believe you are a respected personality, I got your contact from this site, (www.fuska.nu)

I am Miss Monic Dano , I inherritated an important sum of money from my late father who was a prominent Gold and Cocoa marchant who died in recent here in Cote d'Ivoire. My mother died when I was a little child . I wish to request for your assistance in investing this money in lucrative venture under your directives and guidiance in your country as my father suggested investment on real estate before his untimely death.
I want you to assist me for the transfer of this sum of Four million, Eight hundred thousand United State Dollars. (USD4.800,000)to your account in your country hence I will give you the contact of the bank where the money is so that you can contact them immediately and discuss with them since I do not know much about financial issues.
I will gladly give you some resonable percentage from the total sum for your assistance while I pray that you do not betray me at last.
Please it is important you contact me immediately for more clearification on the next step for smooth conclusion .(m_dano1(at)yahoo(dot)com)
Awaiting your immediate response and God bless you.
Yours Sincerely,
Monic Dano [b]

Fick ett likadant =P

Det är en scam...

Försöker lura folk på pengar.

Your life is a hell!
My life is a hell!
All lifes is a hell!

PS. I´m back!

05/01 -11 13:23 wtfwjd


4268 XP 1100 inlägg

Okej... men får man virus av att ha öppnat det? ):

05/01 -11 13:23 Kevinek


1584 XP 980 inlägg

wtfwjd skrev:
Okej... men får man virus av att ha öppnat det? ):

Inte vad jag vet.

Your life is a hell!
My life is a hell!
All lifes is a hell!

PS. I´m back!

05/01 -11 13:32 Anyo13


6645 XP 1158 inlägg

Angående det där meddelandet, jag fick ett likadant. Hon skickar typ till alla hon ser. Kollade på onlinelistan, där stod det att hon skickade meddelanden. :]
Men googlade lite på det och fick fram samma meddelande fast på flera olika forumsidor. D:

OnT: Just nu gör jag inte så mycket, leker detektiv bara. :D


05/01 -11 13:50 Fresh


4045 XP 612 inlägg

Life's a bitch.

Hur får man plats med fyra blondiner på en stol?
- Man vänder stolen uppochner.


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